The Venezuelan national journalist bar (CNP-Vargas State chapter) expresses its concern over the forced disappearance of journalist Luis López

The Venezuelan national journalist bar (CNP-Vargas State chapter) expresses its concern over the forced disappearance of journalist Luis López


Journalist Luis López remains missing since this Saturday, June 15th, in the midst of a wave of repression by the forces of the Nicolás Maduro regime.


According to complaints made by the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) and the National College of Journalists (CNP) in Vargas, López was transferred by members of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) to its headquarters in La Guaira, within hours on the night of last Friday, June 14th, after having been seized that same morning.

López’s disappearance happened on the morning of June 14th, when he was surrounded, seized and kidnapped and was kept missing and unaccounted for for several hours.

That night, it was learned that he had been transferred to the SEBIN headquarters in La Guaira.

The National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) used its official account on the social network X to spread the news and strongly condemn López’s kidnapping.

For its part, the National College of Journalists in Vargas also spoke out through its Instagram account, expressing its solidarity with López and his family.



The SNTP and CNP Vargas demand the immediate release of Luis López and the guarantee of his safety and integrity.