Little oversight of imported medicines causes an increase in counterfeit medicines in Venezuela

Little oversight of imported medicines causes an increase in counterfeit medicines in Venezuela

A pharmacy worker observes the counter in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE/RAYNER PEÑA R.


The rise of counterfeit medicines in the Venezuelan market has set off alarms in the pharmaceutical sector in the country and concern among citizens in general. correspondent

The former president of the College of Pharmacists in Monagas, Héctor Barreto, explained that the union is in a state of alert and despite this, corrective measures have not been taken.

He indicated that in the country there is little if any oversight of the products that are imported and many of them do not comply with healthcare regulations and standards.

Barreto points out that the lack of pharmacists in pharmaceutical representation houses, drugstores and pharmacies “takes away the control and responsibility that this professional used to have in guaranteeing the purity and quality of the medicines” not only of what is produced in the country, but also of everything that is imported.

He recalled that the regulation, review, analysis and approval of medications is done by the National Institute of Hygiene “Rafael Rangel”.

“The pharmacist in the pharmacy is the last link in the chain where this type of product can be prevented from reaching the patient. This is the importance of this professional in the aforementioned establishments,” highlights the pharmacist.

Likewise, he adds that since there are a large number of establishments that do not have a pharmacist, a situation that violates the Law on the Practice of Pharmacy and its Regulations, the patient’s health is put at risk.

Finally, he pointed out that it is very difficult for the buyer to know or differentiate between an original drug and a fake. For this reason, he urges pharmacies to only buy from drug suppliers through a pharmacist that comply with the law. To the clinics and hospitals he called for the managing doctor to guarantee the medication.

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