Find out the rates to get on the Mérida Cable Car System after its reopening

Find out the rates to get on the Mérida Cable Car System after its reopening

Despite the crisis, they report a significant influx of tourists on the Mérida Cable Car System during these holidays


In recent days, the “Pico Espejo” station the fifth of the Mukumbarí Cable Car System was reopened after a long wait of more than two years after the COVID 19 pandemic and delayed preventive and corrective maintenance work.

Jesús Quintero // Correspondent

The impressive landscape that nature offers throughout the 12.5 km route that the funicular system traverses allows you to have a privileged view of the Mérida plateau, and the white streaks on the mountain in its maximum splendor that are lost in the clouds during the ascent between the fog.

At least $20 are needed for each national tourist who wishes to go up all the way to the last station of the Mérida Cable Car System, while the fare for foreigners would unofficially be $40 per user, from the “Barinitas” station to the “Pico Espejo” station, the last one.

Since its commercial reopening, each section has a cost of $5 where each Venezuelan user decides up to which station they want to ascend.

While for foreigners who visit the city, the cost per section is $10 or enjoy the entire journey for $40.

If we take into account the official dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela, as set this Sunday, March 12th, of 24.14 Bs per dollar, and considering the salary for the current public administration of 130 Bs per month, a public employee can only enjoy one leg, that is to say, to go up to the second station, “La Montaña”.

With the presence of the Minister of Tourism Alí Padrón and other local and regional authorities, the delivery of the corresponding works was carried out last Thursday so that both locals and tourists can enjoy this important tourist attraction and both a national and international icon of Mérida. With the reopening of the “Pico Espejo” station the fish and top most, where the statue of the “Virgen de Las Nieves” (Virgin of the Snows) statue is located, the protector of climbers and mountaineers.

Padrón recalled that, on April 21st, 2019, the Cable Car System had to close the fourth section that leads to “Pico Espejo”.

From last August 31st, 2022 to this Thursday, March 9th, 2023, the different sections and stations that make up the Mukumbarí Cable Car were progressively opened.

Merchants who operate in the different Mukumbarí stations, as well as in the environs of “Las Heroínas” Square, in front of the longest and highest Funicular System in the world, welcome the complete reopening of this tourist attraction, which will also benefit the local economy and support for Merida locals and entrepreneurs.

From the Mérida Chamber of Tourism its President, Alejandra Luna, commented on the importance of this tourist attraction, without leaving aside the various tourist routes that Mérida offers with a variety of ecosystems just a few minutes from the Andean capital, where the warmth of its people, makes it an obligated stop for tourists every time they return to Mérida on vacation.

The lodging offer also has a wide variety of options between quality of service and costs that fit the pockets of the guests.

It is essential that mobility conditions are now improved to guarantee safe and passable access routes to Mérida State, gasoline, as well as optimally functioning public services such as drinking water, electricity and connectivity.



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