Shouting “this is not how you govern,” the teachers of Monagas took to the streets again

Shouting “this is not how you govern,” the teachers of Monagas took to the streets again

Photo: La Patilla


Teachers of Monagas State once again took to the streets to make their voices heard in demand for salary improvements and in defense of their labor rights. On this occasion, representatives of different educational unions delivered a petition of demands in the Labor Inspectorate, the Ombudsman’s Office and the headquarters of the State Government of Monagas.

By La Patilla

Feb 13, 2023

The President of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers in this entity, Jesús Sánchez, explained that the content of the document requires state entities to cease the persecution and pressure on teachers who have been protesting for more than a month.

“This letter that we are delivering seeks to protect all our union members and public employees who are united in this fight. It is important to remember that there is a decree of labor immobility, which protects us, in addition to clause 82 of the second collective contract, which establishes that when the unions call an assembly, the directors must grant permission to the educators. It must be remembered that since January 9th we are in a permanent assembly, therefore, for each activity carried out by the unions, the teachers have been summoned,” said Sánchez.

Jorge Tovar, president of the Federation of Unionized Education Workers (Fetrasined) in the entity, stated after the statements of the Chavista deputy, Jesús Farías, that waiting until June for a salary increase would lead teachers to become beggars.

He assured that every day the salary devalues with the increase in the dollar, which in his opinion devalues his purchasing power.

“Between now and June we will be beggars, because every day our salaries are devalued, they are worth less and less, because with the increase in the dollar, they are depreciated twice a day. We cannot wait until the middle of the year for the government to increase wages,” Tovar pointed out.

Read More: La Patilla – Shouting “this is not how you govern,” the teachers of Monagas took to the streets again

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