Alert about the urgency of controlling the sale of fireworks in Venezuela

Alert about the urgency of controlling the sale of fireworks in Venezuela

Photo: La Patilla


The lawyer and defender of human rights, José Santoyo, asked the authorities to redouble supervision in the street sale of fireworks around New Year’s Eve when the use of fireworks intensifies.

By La Patilla

Dec 28, 2022

In Santoyo’s opinion, the Ministry of Defense, as the regulatory body in this area, should have greater coordination with the security agencies to avoid the unauthorized and uncontrolled sale of pyrotechnic products.

Mr. Santoyo recalled that explosives affect people, especially those with special conditions, the elderly, domestic and community animals, as well as severely contaminate the environment.

In addition, he reiterated that the uncontrolled manipulation of fireworks could cause serious injuries to people, even death.

“I also call on parents not to buy explosives for their children. We must create a culture of empathy and respect for our environment”.

The lawyer applauded the campaigns that encourage the non-use of fireworks, carried out by some governors and mayors since the beginning of the December (Christmas) season.

He supported the decision of the Anzoátegui Fire Department to prohibit the sale of fireworks to merchants who have not been properly trained and authorized or who do not have a suitable space for their sale.

Likewise, he stated that he agreed with the decision of some mayors, who absolutely prohibited the sale of fireworks. “We can celebrate without fireworks, it has already been proven in the world.”

Read More: La Patilla – Alert about the urgency of controlling the sale of fireworks in Venezuela

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