Hospitals and outpatient clinics in Guárico State are “upside down” and the Chavista government does not move a finger

Hospitals and outpatient clinics in Guárico State are “upside down” and the Chavista government does not move a finger

Hospitals and outpatient clinics in Guárico State are “upside down” and the Chavista government does not move a finger


Not even in the midst of the global pandemic by Covid-19 did the Chavista government of Guárico takes care about keeping the entity’s healthcare centers equipped and in optimal conditions. These are practically falling apart in the face of “red” laziness and inefficiency.

Jeferson Sánchez // Correspondent

This is why opposition deputies of the Regional Legislative Council toured at least 11 primary care installations during four months, verifying the serious situation in which these currently are, with abandoned infrastructure, lack of medical supplies and lack basic services, among other serious deficiencies.

Furthermore, legislator Antonio Mugueza specified that during their visits they were accompanied by the directors, doctors and employees of each hospital, Comprehensive Health Center (CDI) or ambulatory, where they verified the lack of hospital furniture (beds, mattresses), the collapse of white and sewage water networks, reconstructed medical equipment, lack of air conditioning in important areas, closed bathrooms, leaks in walls and ceilings, and many other problems.

“The health of the people is a priority and quality medical care is a right. We condemn the deplorable conditions in which our hospitals are found. Governor José Vásquez uses time and resources to attend to matters that are of entirely municipal competence, as is happening in the case of the Juan Germán Roscio Nieves Municipality, for example. He should pay adequate attention to the issues that really concern him, and one of them is the health of the people and the comprehensive conditioning of the hospital infrastructure in the whole state,” he stated.


Hospitals and outpatient clinics in Guárico State are “upside down” and the Chavista government does not move a finger


Mr. Mugueza also expressed his concern regarding the disposition of biomedical waste, since the vast majority of centers do not comply with what is established by the regulations and are exposed to the open air, even being burned in the vicinity of hospitals. This generates a negative impact on the ecosystem and on the well-being of citizens.

He stressed that none of the places visited have fire-fighting devices or emergency signs in the event of an unexpected event such as an earthquake.

Likewise, he reported that they have requested a right to speak for two months in the regional legislative chamber to raise this case, without receiving any response.

The parliamentarian stressed that they will continue to carry out social control for the different projects approved in the Legislative Council, which exceed the million dollars and were approved by Guárico’s executive.


Hospitals and outpatient clinics in Guárico State are “upside down” and the Chavista government does not move a finger