Fedecamaras in Mérida: The private sector is essential for the progress of Venezuela

Fedecamaras in Mérida: The private sector is essential for the progress of Venezuela

Fedecámaras en Mérida: El sector privado es fundamental para el progreso de Venezuela





During the 78th annual assembly of Fedecamaras (Venezuela’s Federation of Commerce Chambers) that takes place in Mérida State, businessmen who represented in productive chambers and associations of the whole country, spoke about the need to continue promoting economic activity from the different sectors.

Jesús Quintero // Correspondent lapatilla.com

With the participation of different prominent personalities from the country’s business sphere representing different chambers, they maintained that they continue to bet on encouraging production in Venezuela.

Under the slogan “Venezuela: Confidence and Development”, they seek to strengthen economic activity and production in the country. After more than a year touring Venezuela and holding workshops in different cities, Fedecamaras showed in its annual assembly the bases for the discussion of a new model of economic development, which would allow strengthening the productive activity in the country.

“A proposal that seeks to give content to the discussion about what a development model should be. We do not want to impose a program, we want to convince society that it is time to start a debate, to assume maturely that the resource extractivist economic development model is exhausted, and we need to travel a different path that allows us to achieve the modernity that society requires,” affirmed Carlos Fernández, President of Fedecamaras.

Mr. Fernández highlighted that one of the principles of the development proposal is the promotion of the competitive advantages that come fundamentally through the training of human resources. “The main resource that the country has is its people, the talent of Venezuelans,” which is why he underscored the importance of the link with the university.

The business association is searching for solutions through feasible proposals that allow the sector to advance and consolidate. Where a significant number of representatives of the economic and production area in Venezuela are involved.

Facing the innovation of the processes and the transformation towards the modernization of the economic sphere, because this is what the global dynamics incident on Venezuela and Mérida State demand.

The installation of the annual assembly took place this Thursday night in the “Aula Magna of the Universidad de Los Andes” with the presence of different prominent personalities in the religious, political, university and social spheres of Venezuela.

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