Ocho desaparecidos por un deslizamiento de tierras en los Alpes suizos (fotos)

Ocho desaparecidos por un deslizamiento de tierras en los Alpes suizos (fotos)

Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT

Ocho personas, entre ellas alemanes, austriacos y suizos, están desaparecidas en el sudeste de los Alpes suizos, tras un deslizamiento de tierras que el miércoles provocó corrientes de lodo, anunció este jueves la policía.

“En la región del Valle del Bondasca, ocho personas que estaban en el lugar en el momento del deslave no fueron halladas” de momento, indicó en un comunicado la policía cantonal de Grisones, que piensa que la mayoría de ellas hacían senderismo en el momento del accidente.

La policía recibió notificaciones de allegados de seis de esas ocho personas de que estaban desaparecidas. Las búsquedas se intensificaron durante la noche.

Según el diario suizo Blick, que cita a un portavoz de la policía, los teléfonos celulares no siempre tienen cobertura en esta región.

“Esperamos que esa sea la razón por la que no pudimos contactar con los desaparecidos”, explicó el vocero Markus Walser.

“En estos momentos, los especialistas en salvamento realizan vuelos para localizar a los alpinistas en la zona”, precisó la policía.

Las autoridades establecieron una zona de exclusión aérea de un radio de 5 km para facilitar el trabajo de las fuerzas de rescate.

En un primer momento, la policía indicó que el accidente no había dejado heridos.

El corrimiento de tierra se produjo el miércoles a las 09H30 (07H30 GMT). Una masa rocosa cayó del Piz Cengalo en un valle detrás la pequeña localidad de Bondo, en el cantón de los Grisones. La corriente de lodo se extendió hasta las puertas de la localidad.

La policía procedió a la evacuación de la localidad por si se producían otras corrientes de lodo o corrimientos de tierra. En total se evacuó a un centenar de personas, algunas por helicóptero. También se evacuaron dos refugios alpinos.

Varios habitantes pudieron ser albergados en hoteles de los alrededores, sobre todo en la localidad de Castasegna, en la frontera con Italia.

En total, 12 edificios resultaron dañados o destruidos, según la policía. La ruta principal del valle sur de Grisones, que une Stampa con Castasegna, fue cerrada al tráfico.

Los residentes no podrán regresar a sus hogares hasta nueva orden. A las 15H00 (13H00 GMT) del jueves, las autoridades revaluarán la situación.

En el Piz Cengalo ya se produjo un gran deslave en 2012. Entonces se desprendieron cerca de cuatro millones de metros cúbicos de rocas, el equivalente a 4.000 casas unifamiliares. Las piedras cayeron en un valle sin habitantes.

Tras ese incidente, se instaló un sistema de alarma automático que este miércoles se activó sin problemas.

El último corrimiento de tierra mortífero en Suiza se produjo en noviembre de 2014, cunado dos personas murieron y cuatro resultaron heridas tras el hundimiento de un edificio en Davesco-Soragno, en el cantón del Tesino.

En octubre de 2000, 12 personas murieron y otras cuatro desaparecieron como consecuencia de inundaciones y corrimientos de tierra en la región suiza de Valais.


Fotos Reuters

Still image taken from video shows the remote village Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck the village in a remote Swiss valley. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck the village in a remote Swiss valley. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck the village in a remote Swiss valley. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck the village in a remote Swiss valley. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows stones blocking a street the in the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows stones blocking a street the in the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows stones blocking a street the in the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows stones blocking a street the in the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows mud and stones blocking a road in the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows mud and stones blocking a road in the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT
Still image taken from video shows the remote village of Bondo in Switzerland, August 23, 2017 after a landslide struck it. REUTERS/LOCAL TEAM via Reuters TV NO ACCESS IT WEBSITES ITALY OUT SWITZERLAND OUT