Infierno en Portugal: El peor incendio de la historia (Fotos)

Infierno en Portugal: El peor incendio de la historia (Fotos)

A wildfire is reflected in a stream at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.  A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.  / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A wildfire is reflected in a stream at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA


El incendio registrado ayer en Pedrógão Grande, en el centro de Portugal, en el que han muerto al menos 62 personas y 57 han resultado heridas, es la tragedia con más fallecidos en un sólo fuego en casi un cuarto de siglo en el mundo.


Los principales incendios forestales en el mundo con al menos 10 muertos desde 1991 en un solo siniestro son:


– 20/22 octubre.- Un incendio forestal en las zonas residenciales de Oakland Hills y Berkeley (California) causa 25 muertos, 200 heridos, destruye 2.000 viviendas y calcina 620 hectáreas. Provocó daños por valor de más de 1.500 millones de dólares.


– 30/31 julio.- Catorce muertos en un incendio forestal en la isla turística griega de Ikaria. Ardieron 400 hectáreas de bosque y tierras de cultivo.


– 22 enero.-Mueren asfixiados 25 bomberos argentinos, todos menos uno voluntarios, en un incendio forestal al sur de Puerto Madryn, en la Patagonia.

– 6 julio.- Fallecen 14 bomberos en un incendio en el monte King Mountain, en South Canyon, cerca de Glenwood Springs (Colorado), que devasta 860 hectáreas.


– Abril.- Fallecen 29 escolares que se encontraban de excursión en un incendio forestal en el poblado chino de Huairen, provincia de Shanxi.


– 22 octubre.- Mueren diez personas y tres resultan heridas graves en un incendio forestal que se extendió a un poblado del sur de Tanzania.


– Julio.- Mueren 14 personas en un incendio forestal en la región de Altái, en Siberia occidental, que arrasa 13.000 hectáreas de bosques en la provincia de Uglovsk, 900 en la de Volchíjinsk y otras 1.500 en la de Yegórievsk.


– 3/5 mayo.- Mueren 19 personas en un incendio forestal que asoló 2.000 hectáreas en el municipio de Ixtacamatitlán, en el estado de Puebla (México).


– 4 enero.- Once muertos cuando combatían un incendio forestal en la provincia meridional china de Guangxi, que arrasó 93 hectáreas de bosque del municipio de Yulin.


– 17 julio.- Once personas (dos agentes medioambientales y nueve miembros de retenes) murieron mientras trabajaban en las tareas de extinción de un incendio declarado el día anterior en el municipio de Riba de Saelices (España) y que devastó 11.313 hectáreas durante los cinco días que tardó en ser sofocado.


– Febrero – marzo.- Doce niños del pueblo indígena colombiano de los yukpas mueren por asfixia en un incendio que se prolongó durante tres semanas en una serranía selvática, Resguardo de Iroka, en la frontera con Venezuela.


– 2/6 diciembre.- Mueren 42 personas, decenas resultan heridas, 17.000 evacuadas y 5.000 hectáreas arrasadas en un incendio forestal declarado en Haifa y que afecta a las colinas del Monte Carmel, en la mayor catástrofe natural israelí.


– 29 junio/10 julio.- EEUU. 19 bomberos de un cuerpo de élite pierden la vida en el incendio provocado por un rayo en Yarnell Hill (Arizona), que arrasa 3.000 hectáreas y 250 viviendas.


– 12/16 abril.- 15 personas fallecen en un incendio forestal intencionado que comenzó en el camino La Pólvora, en los cerros del puerto de Valparaíso, en Chile.


-17 junio.- Un incendio registrado en Pedrógão Grande (Portugal) provoca al menos 62 muertos y 57 heridos.

A man stands on the roadside watching a wildfire at Anciao, Leiria, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A man stands on the roadside watching a wildfire at Anciao, Leiria, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A man stands on the roadside and watches a wildfire at Anciao, Leiria, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / Patricia De Melo MOREIRA
A man stands on the roadside and watches a wildfire at Anciao, Leiria, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / Patricia De Melo MOREIRA
Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A wildfire is reflected in a stream at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A wildfire is reflected in a stream at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A firefighter stands on top of a fire combat truck during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017 A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A firefighter stands on top of a fire combat truck during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A firefighter rests next to fire combat truck during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A firefighter rests next to fire combat truck during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A policeman stands by a dead body of a victim of a wildfire in Pedrogao, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
A policeman stands by a dead body of a victim of a wildfire in Pedrogao, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
The dead body of a victim of a wildfire lies covered by a blanket on a road in Pedrogao, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
The dead body of a victim of a wildfire lies covered by a blanket on a road in Pedrogao, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
The dead body of a victim of a wildfire lies covered by a blanket on a road in Pedrogao, on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
The dead body of a victim of a wildfire lies covered by a blanket on a road in Pedrogao, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA